And the winner is....Pregnantly Plump! Hooray! Email your info, and I will get the books in the mail in the morning!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Did you think I forgot?
Check it out...
Sign up by Monday, and I will pull a name!!!!
If you mention the giveaway on your blog (and let me know), I will enter you TWICE! :)
Miss you guys! Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Goodbye Fall!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I am okay...I think
So, I know I have been a little out of it lately, but it is with good reason. In the last month, I have: hosted around 10 book events, survived my son's 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th tooth arrivals, visited my in-laws for a week, been to the doctor (again), and survived over 16 hours in the car with a 16 month old boy.
Right now, I am off to unpack luggage, feed my husband's grandma (who is staying with us for the week), smear on some make-up, and head to a book fair.
Can I be committed for an addiction or something? I think chocolate counts, right?
:) Miss you all~
Oh, and the doctor said that the Mini Hunk may have something viral, but most likely is just very son???? No way! HAHAHA
Thursday, November 13, 2008
5 Little Blessings
I have been so busy that I feel like I am running on a motor. So, I took today for myself to slow down. After some thought, I decided to blog about 5 blessings from this week....
1. Holding my baby as long as I wanted to first thing this morning.
2. Having a husband that works hard for his family.
3. Enjoying a hot cup of tea with honey.
4. Getting to shout, scrub and wash itty bitty baby socks.
5. Having a vast overstock of Halloween candy.
It's the small stuff that really matters, right?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Mini Hunk!
Not much new around here....just work, work, work...
This is one of my fav new pics of the Mini Hunk...
Look at all those teeth!!!!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Secret Stories, Vol 3
Just visiting from my break to vent a bit. I have the WORST ever secret story to tell! Oh, it is terrifying. Let me start by giving you a little background...
I am a Holly Hobby sort of girl. Generic enough to be confused with others and often forgettable. While I am short enough to make ten pounds look like twenty, I am still tall enough to ride the rides at Six Flags. Oprah would say that I am "apple shaped." (Yet another reason I am peeved with her...What woman wants to be compared to fruit?) Anyway, even if I run everyday, my legs just get thin like Barbie (okay, more like Skipper)...however, the "apple" does not seem to register all the blood, sweat, and tears and firmly stays put.
Having said this, the other day I was at a family reunion. We were all talking about birth and baby nonsense, and my aunt wanders over. She asks, "Oh, Kendra, are you pregnant again?" CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Come on! Unless some one's water breaks or is wearing a T-shirt that says "bun in the oven," you just DON'T ask!!!! So, I just said "no" and dismissed it as a comment based on what she overheard from our conversation. Sure, that must be it....
Then, about a week later in Target, I was shopping for socks for the Mini Hunk. Well, this lady just looks over and asks me, "Are you expecting?" GASP...oh the horror! Through clenched teeth, I said "no......" My strong sense of sarcasm was the only thing that helped me through. Since this lady was more of an, ummmm....lets say, watermelon shape, I almost snapped back, "Yeah, well, you are no Cindy Crawford, either." However, I just enjoyed my ugly thought and walked away. Uhhhh, depressing! I have done 100 crunches every night since...well, almost every night. :)
* Note: The aunt I am referring to is not the one you will find is another aunt who obviously has poor eyesight.
PS. Check out a great giveaway HERE!!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
On a Break!
Ok, just got in from a weekend trip: behind on work, behind on laundry, behind on life...
Plus got booster shots for the Mini Hunk today...Love you all, but I am on a small break!
I will be back with a Christmas giveaway very soon! :)
Pregnantly Plump has an awesome giveaway~ check it out!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Got Christmas on the Brain?
Freaking out? Don't know what to buy? Thought you might wanna know....
Usborne is having a GREAT Internet special HERE. These are not old books being sold off, these are wonderful books marked down especially for my Internet shoppers. And they are stinking cheap! I am posting a few books for you to look at and stop back by for a Christmas giveaway very soon!
Oh, and might I add that these books all say Christmas in the title (not holiday)...Go Usborne!
A mini hardback book of fictional Christmas stories. Only $2.40!
Each page is a puzzle! Only $4.92
A cute book of fun Christmas activities. (Size is actually 8x11) Only $3.82!
Head over HERE to shop...this won't last long!
Ok, enough peddling my books...happy shopping and happy week! :)
Oh, and isn't the Mini Hunk precious cute in that Christmas pic?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Exciting News...(A break from the Mini Hunk)
For the last year, I have been doing the Usborne thing all I have talked to several people about it, but I just don't talk people into things very well. (I mean, it's not like I am in sales or anything...oh, wait, I am.)
Anyway, after a long year alone...I have 3 new girls working with me! Hooray, all in 1 month! So, now they are happily collecting books and money. (Undoubtedly, both the books and money are for the kids...) And I am happy as a clam having some people to talk shop with, or email about "work" (when I really should be doing laundry.)
I just thought I'd share my excitement! Have a great day!
side note: I love how blogspot says I posted this at 5 makes me look like such a domestic goddess: up at 5 am, all done with chores, nothing to do but blog. HA! (It's really 8am..shhhh, don't tell.)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I Miss You!
So, this is my busy season with Usborne, and I am just running around like a crazy person. I finally stopped today after sorting 2 orders, delivering one, and going to Sam's Club (which is my LEAST favorite place in the world, I might add.)
I am EXHAUSTED, but here I am in Blogland. So, I am about to surf out to my fav gal pals and see what is happening....but before I do, here are 5 new things going on over here:
1. The Mini Hunk can now climb on the furniture. So, I am pretty sure about a TRILLION brain cells are GONE due to all the trauma. I mean, it's the furniture, it's not like I can just tuck it away in the closet. What is a mom to do?
2. The footie PJs are back! So darn cute! I love fall.
3. As you might remember, I blogged about the molar situation over here...Now, there are 3!!!! Bring on the steak dinner!
4. I lost my keys a few days ago....looked everywhere....did the whole "retrace your steps"thing....finally found them in the toy chest. That is the first time that has happened and certainly not the last.
5. Found an awesome sale at Old Navy. All Clearance items are an additional 50% off. I got some T-shirts, shorts, and pants for now and next summer for 99 cents each. I am so excited. Check it out at a store near you!
I know, I know, my life is riveting. I even had to leave out the part about eczema and my new volcano kid kit I can't wait to erupt. What can I say? My life is thrilling...:)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Check it Out!
This is the cute blanket that I ordered from my friend Treena...
In other news....the Mini Hunk has been quite the stud muffin here lately. He is lovin the ladies. Below, he is delighted with a precious gal pal. So very cute, but I am so very worried! :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Award Time Again! Hooray!
My amazing, poet blogging buddy Latree sent this awesome award my way! Thanks so much!
Here are the rules: I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only! Then I must pass it on to seven others!
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Where is your significant other? work
3. Your hair color? multi
4. Your mother? amazing
5. Your father? creative
6. Your favorite thing? relationships
7. Your dream last night? nightmare
8. Your dream/goal? happiness
9. The room you're in? kitchen
10. Your hobby? singing
11. Your fear? insects
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you're not? organized
15. One of your wish-list items?cabinets
16. Where you grew up? rural
17. The last thing you did? cook
18. What are you wearing? sweats
19. Your TV? off
20. Your pet? beagles
21. Your computer? schizophrenic!
22. Your mood? happy
23. Missing someone? hubby (awwww)
24. Your car? cute
25. Something you're not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? Thrift
27. Your summer? wonderful
28.Love someone? bunches
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? recently
That was fun! I pass this award on to:
Are You Serious ~ for being so dang crafty
Pregnantly Plump~ for sharing her heart and humor
Tadpoles & Teacups~ for your wit and art
Treena~ for your hopes and dreams and joining my adventure with Usborne!
And last but NOT least Lori~ for being so hysterical (in the haha way) and super creative!
Love you all!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Why, Molars, Why?
To semi-quote the delicious rock-candy John Mayer, "Why, Molars, Why?" (Okay, so the song is "Why, Georgia, Why?" and I slightly modified it, big deal.)
But let's get to the point here....the Mini Hunk is getting MOLARS! Yeah, he has 7 itty, bitty front teeth and is getting gigantic molars in the way back of his mouth! What is this about? YUCK! He is really uncomfortable. So, we went to the park...he stopped screaming... and I got a few fantastic pics.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Little Helper
Up until a month ago, the Mini Hunk just did his own thing. However, here lately, he has been really paying attention to what I do each day. Check it out:
He does laundry....
He cooks....
And....tada....he cleans...
(FYI: I do put a duster on the mop under the premise that it makes it slide around easier....however, on some days, I count this as cleaning. hehe)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Oh So Political!
Honestly, I do not consider myself a very sensitive person. Growing up with two brothers, I developed a thick skin at an early age. I have always been teased about being the "girl", and I guess that is why I am not very sensitive about political correctness as an adult.
(Now, don't get me wrong. I believe in treating others with dignity and respect. However, I also always realize that most people do not intend to be offensive, it is just a lack of awareness or education.)
OK, now let me get to my story. This morning, we had just finished a program called Hi-5. (Note: Hi-5 is the Mini Hunk's FAV show, and it is super cute. If you have a little one, you should check it out.) Well, another show followed, and it had a great deal of music and seemed pretty cute.
Due to the previously mentioned illness, I am still attempting to pry the Mini Hunk out of my lap each morning. So, I thought this may be a good diversion. So, rather than turning the TV off, I just left the program on as we played.
Well, during the first 5 minutes, I heard two odd things:
First, the animals in the program mentioned "Gift Giving Day." It was snowing and there were decorations like Christmas, but they kept using the term "Gift Giving Day." I thought this was a strange thing. As a public school teacher, I am familiar with "Winter Holidays," and I always tried to always mention a variety of holidays, but this concept of "Gift Giving Day" is a new one for me. I thought it was a little odd. Then I thought some more and decided it was VERY odd. Where did this new term come from? Is there somewhere for adults and parents to learn about these new things? OK, moving on...
Second, the animal kept mentioning "snow buddies." I thought they were saying "snow bunnies" like snow angels or something. Then I began to laugh out loud. They were building snowmen, and snow buddies must be the new politically correct term for snowmen. HA! Am I the only one who finds this hysterical? How confusing is this for small children? It took me a good long while to get it myself!
Well, this got me to pondering some really serious topics this morning:
#1. What if it becomes gender biased to have the lady on the restroom door wearing a dress? I mean, she could be wearing pants, but then how will I know where to the bathroom? And I don't mean to be rude, but I pride myself on my gender's cleanliness in the restroom. I LOVE the ladies bathroom! What will we do?
#2. Turns out, not all ladybugs are ladies. What if ladybugs can't be ladybugs anymore? So sad...
#3. This is a tough one: I know the proper term is postal carrier, but my carrier happens to be male. Is it still offensive for me to call him my mailman? I mean, it just comes out of my mouth. This has me thinking on a whole new level.
In conclusion, according to these new standards, I am most certainly, totally politically incorrect (and confused.) How about you?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Award Time!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Mini Hunk turns Mini Stalker
Over the past week, the Mini Hunk as had his second real sickness in life. We did the whole drill: doctor, meds, doctor, more meds, fluids....ughhhh! It has been a rough few days. Now, I think he feels better; however, he is still in sick mode. He is still following me around, moaning, pulling on my shorts, etc. When I pick him up, he quickly grins and nuzzles into my neck.
At first, I thought it was kind of cute. Now, (after 2 days of it) not so much. So, today I have been trying to hold his hand (rather than pick him up), and this morning he spent 15 minutes in his pack n play with toys all by his lonesome.
So, here I am stress eating and blogging simultaneously. (I did not go for the Big Mac I wanted, instead, I am having vegetable soup. But is that really a more sensible choice since it's 10 in the morning?)
Anyway, I would love some advice about what to do with my Mini Stalker. I really want to have my happy baby back, but I don't know what to do????
Friday, August 29, 2008
Secret Stories, Vol 2
Alright, this is the ultimate secret story. In fact, this happened over a month ago, and I am just now able to blog about it.
It all happened in my local Rite Aid. (This is a type of bootleg, country CVS or Walgreens that we have in the backwoods of Georgia.) Anyway, I went to develop some new pics of the mini-hunk, and I immediately put him in the buggy. (A buggy is a bootleg, county way of saying shopping cart.)
Well, I looked and looked for a cart with the strap to buckle the Mini-Hunk in. However, all of the straps had been cut out. (Yeah, you think you know where this is going....but it is going to take a turn.) I decide to put the Hunk in the cart, and just keep one hand on him the whole time.
So, I print my pics (with one hand on the kid at all times), and I am constantly entertaining the Hunk. I feel like super mom...I pull books, toys, and snacks out of his bag. It is like a magic hat. I just keep it coming. Sure, he has pulled off his shoes, made a mess of the cart, and is yelling, "hey there" at anyone within 20 yards, but overall, I am feeling pretty successful!
Then, when we go to leave, I realize we have a bit of a problem...the Mini Hunk's leg seems to be stuck in the bars of the buggy. I gently tug on the help. I firmly tug on the leg, the Mini Hunk begins to whimper.
Now...this is where it gets fuzzy. I remember trying to get the leg heartbeat loud in my ears...I yell for someone to get some baby oil...a crowd gathering...muffled comments about how the baby should have been buckled in. Finally, a very oily mom and son leave (both with tears in their eyes.)
What a nightmare! After a call to the doctor, I realized that the Mini-Hunk was OK (he was laughing by the time we got home, and I am almost certain it was AT ME!) Later in the afternoon, this is the dialog my husband had to hear (through blubbering tears):
"How could this have happened? I mean, I totally understand how Brittany Spears feels now (Yeah, since I am so wealthy and famous, I can totally relate-ha!)...what if anyone finds out about this? Can you imagine photos of this on US Weekly? No wonder she is crazy! I am mortified to go back to the store. I am a horrible mother....Gasp...what if they call DFCS on me?etc, etc...sob...etc" (Better dramatics that daytime TV.)
Now, after a few weeks of dealing with my first goof, I can find some humor in the situation. I just think how I sounded like a frantic lunatic yelling for baby oil with the same urgency I would have used if I was going to dismantle a nuclear bomb in the store. Or, how we looked that day leaving the store all greased up like a pig at the state fair. Or, how great it would have been to cold cock the lady that whispered I should have buckled him in....duh! I was in a fragile state...that lady should really kick her filter on high! Protective moms can be CRAZY!
So, next time you feel like the worst mom on over. I know I have got ya beat, but at least I am still laughing!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Little News! Whopper Is Here!
My precious, new baby niece was born yesterday around 2 o'clock. I have heard she is beautiful, beautiful! She is all rolls and chub, weighing in at a hefty 11 lbs! HA, HA. Her mother had her totally natural, can you imagine? (I am not sure why that type of labor is called "natural," it sounds like a way to produce chicken, not babies. They should say, "She had her the heroic way." Or something.)
We are going up to see her not this weekend but the next. I will post some pics then.
They are still not sure of a name (I am waiting on pins and needles, because I want to have her gift monogrammed before the trip. See pic in below post.) Hopefully, she will get a name today, and she is still under a watch in the baby unit. (Her mom tested positive for strep.) So, say a little prayer for her. You can just pray for the chubby baby, God will know exactly who you are talking about! :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Shout Out!
Happy Monday!
I just want to give a loud shout out for my friend Treena and her new blog. She is a fellow mom just trying to make a living and stay home with her 2 little ones. You go girl! So, head on over and check out her blog out HERE and visit her website HERE. She has some great personalized gifts & stuff.
Side note: I just ordered this sweet monogrammed blanket from her for my almost new niece. (My sister in law is being induced in the morning. New baby....hooray!) It's super cute, huh?
Friday, August 22, 2008
And We Have A Winner!
The winner of the giveaway (as selected by the Mini Hunk) is.....
So, email me your mailing info!
Hooray! Thanks for participating! And there is no need to be green with envy....Usborne has lots of items on 40% clearance. You can see them HERE. (I already bought the New Testament and flash cards for the Mini Hunk! Super cute stuff.)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Almost Wordless Wednesday:
Check it out...
Isn't this the most adorable bed head?
(I almost posted my bed head pic (which was equally amazing, by the way); however, it turns out that I look like a total beast in the morning. I am certain that blogspot would have banned me immediately.) :)
Oh, I draw for my giveaway in 2 days! Hooray!
* See the post below for details! :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hello Blogsville!
Come one, come all! It's an Usborne giveaway!
I have a few extras (or items that I no longer use at shows because my bag weighs around 1,000 lbs....ok, that's a slight exaggeration but it's at least 50 lbs) So, I thought it would be fun to have a giveaway!
The box of goodies will contain: A Look and Say Farm board book, 2 paperback Farmyard Tale books, and a set of ABC flashcards. (and perhaps any other goodies I come across.)
So, just leave me a comment, and I will put your name in the hat. I will post a winner next Friday! Send your friends over to check it out! :) Good Luck!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
TV Talk
Usually, I do not watch very much TV. On most nights, the Mini Hunk goes to bed around 7:30, and I eat, clean, shower, and crash. However, for the past week, my super helpful hubby has been helping me get stuff done around the house, and then we sit together and watch some meaningless junk on the tube. (Romantic, I know.)
Anyway, I have a few pressing questions from the commercials I viewed last night:
1. Have you noticed the lawyers (on the "call us now to sue somebody" ads) are not fluent readers? What is up with that?
2. How are all the ladies on birth control commercials so super thin????
3. When did herpes become the most fun ever????? Mountain bikes... white water knew?
Anyway, just thought someone out there may have noticed this crapola, too.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Terrific Tuesday Toot!!!
Good Morning!
On Saturday, my mom took the mini hunk for the day. I decided to start a project, and paint an old desk (in it's previous life it was wood of the fake variety.) Yesterday, I finished the project by adding a beautiful vintage fabric to the seat. Isn't it lovely? I am so proud. When I finished, the mini hunk even came over and rubbed the fabric and jabbered about it. I am certain he said, "You are so very talented mommy; this is gorgeous." LOL
So, this is where I will now sit as I venture into Blogland! :)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Giggle Monster
Happy Monday All~
I found this pic from around a year ago. So cute. Between the giggle, gums, and chub, I hope it brightens your day. It sure did mine! :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Diet: The Ultimate 4 Letter Word
Honestly, I think the word "diet" should be called the "d-bomb." I hate, hate, hate to watch what I eat. I don't know if it comes from living in the south or what, but it is a constant struggle for me.
Since the Mini-Hunk, I have really tried to get off the baby weight. While I have bumped up the exercise, (up to walking over 2 miles per day...hooray!) I am still not really getting the results I want.
Why is that? I mean, my small tush is now non-existent. (My pants will barely stay up.) What is that about? It seems that if you are really trying, you should be able to choose the areas you want to lose weight in. However, I must do something...we have no money for new clothing. Nor do I want to buy a larger size or ...GASP, get back out the maternity junk! Oh the here is where I will curse.
I am starting the d-bomb this week. This morning, I got out a really cute journal and began recording my calorie intake. (BORING!!!) So, I also added a page for inspirational ideas and quotes. Today, I have a clipping of fun summer clothes and suits to motivate myself to cut back. I am still looking for the perfect quote to get this party started. (I know, I know, my optimism is astounding.)
So, hopefully, my Tuesday toot will be about shedding a mind boggling amount of pounds. I bet I will be the spitting image of Jessica Simpson. Oh, yeah.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Party Pics!
The BBQ party was a success! Check it out...
The rapidly melting cake....pre-baby destruction:
The cake did not make it...the baby loved it!
Watermelon favorite pic of the day:
A swim in the creek. So much fun!
Happy 1st Birthday Mini-Hunk!!!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
This time last year....
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sunny Daze
Hello Blogsville! Hope everyone had a splendid weekend! I am sitting at home listening to much needed rain on my roof. I can almost hear my baby tomatoes and squash squealing with joy!
Just a quick update: The festival went well this weekend, but it was EXHAUSTING work painting face after face. But the kids were so happy that it was totally worth it! We did pretty well, and my husband came up with this latest idea in the process...
(Note: This is not another one of my crazy came from Dan! While wandering the festival, he saw this lady peddling old, painted windows. I had seen them before, and they are very pretty. Usually, they are very country. (Great to sell in my area (the country), but not my personal taste.)
So, on Sunday, my husband pulled some old windows out of the cellar and told me to get going. The picture below is of the finished product:
I am not sure if it's artsy or just looks like a very talented 2nd grader got a hold of her mom's paints. Either way, we like it, and it now hangs on our front porch. (That was my husband's idea, and apparently used powerful power tools to attach it to the wall since I can't seem to move it.)
Best of all, the Mini-Hunk laughs and points his chubby finger at it every time we go out...that makes it all worthwhile!
Oh, I call it "Sunny Daze"....profound, I know.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday Toot....On Wednesday!
Ummm...where did Tuesday go?
Here is my toot: Precious little hats for my festival on Saturday. (They go with princess face painting!)
Still working so I gotta run. Have a fabulous week!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What Happened Here?
So, I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I just gotta say it.
Pregnancy does nothing good for a gal's body! I know that I am most likely preaching to the choir here (since we are all moms), but I got out of the shower today and had to muffle a scream.
At first, I thought it was just the "post-pregnancy" phase of the deal, but I am now convinced that is a load of propaganda. With the mini-hunk's first birthday fast approaching, I realize that this mutation is permanent.
The upper half of me has migrated south and apparently it wasn't just for the winter. It's summer now, and it is still down south....way down south. If Victoria has a secret for me, it will be nothing short of rocket science.
Then there are the nether regions that I would rather not discuss....ever. Yeah, I think that type of conversation is covered by doctor/patient confidentiality, so I probably shouldn't talk about it.
Even my hairstylist, said to me, "What has happened to your hair? It's so...different!" (NOTE: when someone says "different" in that context, it means "horrific".)
Here is the kicker: Despite all this, we are talking about getting pregnant about half a decade!
Maybe I will get some hair weave in the meantime? Sigh.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
So Very Restless~
I totally love being at home, but I just get very restless. I guess it's because I have always worked (I even taught summer school every summer before the baby...what a dork.) Like my mother, I have never mastered the art of sitting still.
So, here is my latest idea....
Friday, June 6, 2008
I'll Take That!
So up until a few days ago, I thought the Mini-Hunk would never take to solid food. He would gag and his eyes would water...very dramatic. However, it's like God's divine plan just kicked into action. He now crams his little mouth full of cracker or bread. Hallelujah! It's so sweet. His latest trick pretty amazing. After sampling my buffet, he will point to the food of choice. He will not stop pointing for the entirety of the meal. So funny!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I Saw Red
I was over visiting my friend Lori who directed me to Sara's "I Saw Red" event. I decided this looked fun...feel free to join in! :)
This is what I saw in red...
A page of the Mini-Hunk's very favorite book.
(Part of Usborne's super cute touchy-feely collection... for more info go here.)
This beautiful plate...a thoughtful gift from my hubby.
A beautiful watercolor by the Mini-Hunk's favorite great aunt.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Good Morning...Good Monday
Yesterday, the Mini-Hunk spent some quality time with his grandparents. (First long visit since mom's surgery.) It was a great break for us! We actually spent the day on the golf course.
It was a wonderful day, but I was on the verge of getting sick. Yuck. So, here I am at 4:30 AM blogging away. I have been coughing my head off since 4:00, and as I courtesy to my hardworking hubby, I decided to get up. (Although our house is really small so I am sure he can hear me in here....but it is the thought that counts, right?)
Rather than focus on my ailments, I thought I would take this time to greet everyone into another Monday and the first week in June.
Can you believe it? This month, I plan to...
1. Finish a sewing project I started in April. (This week.)
2. Exercise daily. (Constant torture/ everyday.)
3. Do thorough grocery shopping every 2 weeks. (This week and 3rd week.)
4. Make or purchase a wonderful birthday gift for my hubby. (Before the 21st.)
5. Go to the doctor. (Today/as soon as possible.)
I know this does not seem like a long list. However, with an 11 month old in tow, the simplest task is much more difficult. Plus, I want to feel successful, so I kept it short.
So, I would love to hear your plans for the month...Happy June Ya'll!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Latree tagged me a million years ago, and I guess it's better late than never, right?
Questions:1. What were you doing 10 years ago?I was graduating from high school! Wow!
2. What are 5 things on your "To Do" list?
Go to the pharmacy
Shop for food
Paint my toe nails
Water my ferns (which are in the process of dying a slow death.)
3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy? (In no specific order)
Ice cream
Basically, anything loaded in sugar and saturated fat...
4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire.
Open my own school
Get a pool
Start an organization that focuses on social reform and provides homes for neglected and abused kids. (I am sure that would be super easy!)
5. Name some places where you've lived. is all! (Funny fact, I lived in the same house my entire life until I went to college, and my parents still live there.)
6. Name some bad habit you have.
Biting my nails
Picking at my thumbs...gross!!!!
7. Name some jobs you've had.
School teacher, bank courier, BBQ slinger, Fish fryer...I have done everything!
8. Name those whom you are tagging. (If you want to.)
pregnantly plump, mip, are you serious
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Murphy's Law is My Life
Friday, May 16, 2008
Much Needed Break
Hello Blogsville!
I am so excited. We are heading out in the AM for a much needed break! I feel okay leaving my mom now. (For those of you who do not tune in regularly, she just had surgery.) She made her first real trip to Wal-mart today. I am so proud. And let's face it... if she needs anything while I am gone...she can get it at Wal-mart.
In my grand luck, I married into a wonderful family with a fabulous time share at the beach. So, we are now packed to the gills with baby gear and ready to go. The poor car is crammed with seats, strollers, pack-n-plays, diapers, etc, etc, etc. My hubby had to get a big bag to strap on top of the car for more baby paraphernalia. It is tripping me out that this 21 pound, tiny boy calls for all this stuff! Our first, real trip with the baby. Wish us luck!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Kids are Funny
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Moment for Comic Relief
OK, so my life is a little crazy right now! I am taking care of my mom and kid. A great grandmother just stayed with us for over a week. I had an Usborne show this week (which went well by the way.) And now, my Mini Hunk has his first official cold. We are off to the doctor in just an hour or so. In light of all the chaos, I just thought I would share this funny story with you. (I just laugh to keep from crying.)
My husbands great grandmother (precious-cute old lady) really loves fried food. We NEVER eat fried food at home. I have NO idea how to fry anything. So, I call up my sweet aunt, and she gives me step by step instructions on frying okra. Her detailed instructions reeked of her wisdom in the kitchen.
She made it sound super easy, and so I attacked the challenge full force. Well, about the time that I am heating the oil, my Mini Hunk starts screaming. I leave for just an instant. When I return, little greasy fireworks are exploding from my pan! I freak!!!! I pull the pan off the heat, thinking this will help. Not so much. The grease begins to explode all over everything! Finally, I smother the oil with a towel, and I resolve that I am officially incompetent in the kitchen.
So, now I have grease spots all over my cabinets to remind me everyday that I should leave fried food to the professionals... like McDonald's and Wendy's. Hope you enjoyed my stupidity!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My Mother
Hello Blogsland,
I am going to be out of touch for a week or so. My precious mother had surgery, and I am struggling to stay afloat. Anyway, if you are the praying kind...say a prayer for her. She is doing well, but the next week will be very painful.
As soon as I get a moment, I will check on my blog pals. Miss ya'll already! :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Slice of Heaven
My life has been chaos since Little Hunk arrived. It has been a train wreck of events involving a post c-section staph infection, baby reflux, and chronic car seat syndrome (a totally made up condition that involves screaming bloody murder at the slightest glimpse of the car kid has the first known case...and it's severe and terminal -for me.)
Let me go down as saying that my Hunk is the joy of my life, and I would not trade him for anything in this world. To see him laugh is the most enjoyable experience of my life. His newest phase is his "dramatic fake cough." I am so proud yet terrified of his ability to manipulate me at such a young age. That tiny cough gets instant sympathy in 0.001 seconds. He really is so much fun.
For the next week, my hubby's grandmother is in town, and it is already total bliss. She is so consumed with the Hunk, and he is loving her constant attention. Right now, I am listening to her sweet talk him while swinging him on the back porch. Every now and then I hear his adorable, totally generic cough. It is a very precious moment.
On the other hand, I am enjoying the small things in life. (Like blogging with 2 hands and taking a full shower.) I have just finished this entire post without interruption. I have never done that before. This is a little slice of heaven. Great-grandma is really great!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My Kid's Hair
Monday, April 21, 2008
Happy Monday Again!
Good Morning Blogsville! It's Monday again, and I was just thinking what a wonderful weekend it was. I spent some time with the family, the Mini Hunk went to his first birthday party, and we did some yard work.
Oh, and the Hunk officially has 6 teeth and is chewing solid foods. (A vast improvement from the gagging routine he has been doing.) Overall, it was a great weekend.
So, please tell me about your weekend! I would love to know!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Full Out Roaring Rant
So, I consider myself to be a fairly easy going person. When I was in the workplace, I never got involved in the the daily drama. I have always tried to leave the dramatics for the professionals of daytime television. However, I totally lost it today. Here is what went down...
It all started Tuesday night when I went for a jog with a friend of mine. (And by jogging I mean: starting to run/ panting uncontrollably/ walking/ repeat.) Anyway, I noticed that traffic was not very eager to stop for us to cross. Even when the crosswalk was flashing. Hmmm... I thought, "that's not very nice."
Well, on the way back to the house, I see a woman stuck in the turning lane trying to get across the street. Here is the kicker: the woman was in a motorized wheelchair!!!! So, okay don't stop for me, but what kind of insensitive creeps don't stop for an old lady in a wheelchair? I was appalled to say the least.
Then today, I took the mini-hunk for a walk to the post office. On the way, we walked by a church that was having cars line up for food bank donations. So, I walk by and all the senior citizens are waiting and smiling at my little one. I thought, "so sweet."
On the way back home, I am waiting to cross the road and a little, elderly lady calls from her car. She says, "I don't drive often, could you help me out?" Well, I look and there is a car waiting to turn into the church. So, I wave the lady out into the road. About that time, a young girl in a brand new SUV swings around the waiting car (across double yellow lines) and almost hits my precious old lady.
Honestly, I don't really remember saying anything. I remember thinking some pretty awful words, but I don't think I said them out loud. (I really hope not anyway!) However, I do remember pure rage pulsing through my veins, and a loud pounding in my head. I am certain that I looked just like the devil on steroids.
In response to my evil stare, the girl yells in a sarcastic tone, "I wasn't going to hit her." Then she drives on. I guess she thought it was inconvenient to wait in traffic for 3 minutes. (The small town I live in only has 2 red lights so it literally would have been only 3 minutes max.) Guess she didn't think of how inconvenient it must be to not have enough food to eat.
Just as I was about to lose all faith in this world and join a commune of some sort, a kind gentleman stopped for us to cross the street. I waved and thanked him SO profusely, I think he may have gotten the wrong idea.
Then, as I turned into my neighborhood, my sweet neighbor was putting her picnic basket in the backseat of her car. She was headed to pick up her daughter from school and surprise her with a trip to the park. She said they needed to spend some time together.
So, I decided against the commune idea (lets face it...most of them are nudist anyway...they would never let me in.)
Turns out if I look hard enough, there is some good left in this world.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Cheap Chick
Let me tell you, I am one cheap chick! I really hate to overpay for items...wait... I really hate to spend money in general. (Especially now that I am not working.) Lately, my grocery bill has gone through the roof. I know someone else out there can give me a holla back on that one!
So, here are my bargains of the week for this week:
1. I discovered that my local grocery store sells infant ibuprofen for less than HALF the price of the OFF brand at my local drug store. What is that about?
2. OK, in the deep south we have this chain discount store called Fred's. It's really a funny place. However, you can get 4 oz of diaper rash cream (same intensity as the expensive brand) for $1.50. No kidding!!!! It smells a little strange, but it's not like the other smells like roses. Plus, it's going down south...who cares? So, we deal with it and save around 3 bucks a tube!
3. Finally, I found baby orajel at a local dollar store for a $1.00!
I stocked up on all these items, and I feel good about not giving the Walmart monster all my money this week! :)
Friday, April 11, 2008
It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!
Yesterday and today have both been very warm here. It's so exciting. :) We went out walking, and I did not even have to walk very fast to work up a sweat. I felt very successful and thin afterward.
Also, I had my first yard sale of the season this morning. (Friday is a strange day, but it is supposed to rain Saturday. So, I figured if I am redneck enough to do a yard sale, why not on Friday? FYI: It did very well!) So, now I have a little extra cash. I think I am going to buy some new plants and work in my yard next week. Big stuff!
The absolute most exciting part of this weather is the change in wardrobe for the little hunk. At noon, I changed the little man into a t-shirt and little pair of cotton shorts. Last fall, he looked really skinny in shorts; however, now he is a stud! His perma-rolls (on his thighs) hang out of the little shorts, and it makes me just want to kiss his precious chub. Cute, cute, cute! I will post a pic when I pick up some batteries for the camera!
Anyway, hope the weather is nice wherever you are. Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
It's My Party!
As much as I hate to admit it, it's my birthday again! The big 3-0 is creeping up awful quick, and I am not sure how I feel about this. At 26, I felt like it was no big deal. At 27, I was the size of a house, terrified of my upcoming labor, and did not give a rip. Now,( at 28) it is a bit concerning. If we were rounding numbers it would round right up to 30. Frightening!
I am sure a quarter life crisis (as John Mayer puts it), is a fairly common thing. But this last year has been a very intense one. What with pregnancy, a baby, the aftermath, and the science project otherwise known as my body after a baby.
However, at 4:30 this morning I had the pleasure of feeding my precious baby boy. Although I groan at his wails waking me, I really do enjoy being with him so sleepy. Deep down, I know that I should make him give up this feeding soon, but it's so sweet. He just eats and sleeps in my arms. This morning, I held him a little longer, and I thought about how fast the years pass. Maybe being 28 isn't so bad after all.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Almost Wordless Wednesday!
My baby 8 months and 15 1bs. ago! How does it happen so fast?
(By the way, we are sitting pretty at almost 21 lbs. now!)
Monday, April 7, 2008
My Verbal Boy!
So, it's official. On Sunday, my little hunk said, "Daaaadeee" very clearly. Not just once, but twice while my hubby was holding him. So precious, just melted his dad's heart.
Sure, I was a little upset that his first word wasn't mommy, but it's okay. Really, I mean, I know that I am the one that quit my job to stay home with him, but no biggie. And, I am the one who gets up during the night...sometimes 3 times a night or more. Oh, and I am the one who hog wrestles him into clean clothes around 4 times per day, everyday.
No...I am not resentful. Uh, uhh, of course not! No way! :) All joking aside.. now that I have really thought this through, I think that it's wonderful! Hmmm... maybe he will start calling for his "Daaadeee" at 4 in the morning! Hehehe.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Secret Stories Chapter 1: My Mikey
Blogsville is awesome, because you can be brutally honest. You can roll out of bed, grab some coffee, and sign in. No one knows that you are wearing yesterday's mascara in a raccoon type fashion, or that you have on your husband's sweats. Then, you get to write all the sarcastic or whimsical thoughts in your head down for people to see. It's an amazing thing.
So, this thought process brought me to begin a series of "Secret Stories." These are the stories that should never be told. Stories that would make your mother blush! And a quick warning: This story is not for anyone with a weak tummy. I apologize in advance, but I just couldn't help myself. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: My Mikey
I call my husband Mikey because he eats ANYTHING! Over the past 5 years, I have made it my job to stop him from eating bad food, stale chips, and moldy bread. (Now you see why this is a secret story!) Well, I did a pretty good job of food patrol until I got pregnant...
See, when I got pregnant, I just got downright sick. I mean, throwing up 4 or 5 times everyday for months. (Silver lining: I was pencil thin at 4 months preggers.) My doctor said it was alright, just keep eating. So, I did...and then I kept ralphing. Just opening the fridge sent me running to the loo. Food patrol was the last thing on my mind. And this is where the story gets good..
For Christmas, my school gave everyone a huge sliced ham. I thought I would die just having to take it home in my car. I put it in the way back! I made my husband put it in the very back of the fridge. He loved it.
Well, in February (2 MONTHS later), my husband came home from work to tell me about how sick he had been that day. Of course, I am secretly thrilled that someone else is sick, but I say, "Oh honey, what happened?" He continues to tell me that he was out at a vendor's warehouse when he started to feel funny. Then, he ran to the restroom to relieve himself, only to find the one potty occupied! Next, he said he just had to pass a little gas to relieve the pressure...oops...only to have one big situation. (By the way, when he told me this, I laughed my head off!)
"What did you do?" I asked in freakish delight. And get this, he says serious as a heart attack, "I did what I had to do, I cut my underwear off with my pocket knife." Hmmm...
And he says this like it is the most normal, logical solution to the problem! Then he just threw the underwear away, cleaned up, and finished out the work day. Men!!! What planet are they from? Who does that?
So, now you can guess what my Mikey had for lunch that day....Yep, you guessed it: A big, delicious sliced ham sandwich. I bet it was super tasty! :) Oh, my Mikey!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Shout Out!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Blogsville Blues
Yesterday, I was out in Blogsville visiting a few new blogs, and I found my self so depressed and inadequate as a mommy. I mean, I really respect all those organized and efficient moms out there, but I just can't do it.
For example, one blog was this lady who bought magnets and blogged about how she was going to redecorate her fridge junk. (You know all the pictures, invites, etc.) While I was deeply engrossed in her magnificent plan, I fridge is a wreck! I never even noticed, but now I see that it is an utter mess! (Now, I notice it everyday!) Who knew?
Then, get this: the blog ended soliciting advice on how to organize inside your fridge! Say what? Don't you go buy the food, heave it into the house, and jam it in the open spots? Is that not how you do it? Apparently, I have not thought this through! I am SO going back to the blog to get some more information about this situation.
Finally, I visited a blog of a mom who breastfeeds, co-sleeps, and other impressive stuff (that I really can't even remember now...her awesomeness was overwhelming!) Now, I did breastfeed for 6 long months, and I am glad for the nutrition and bonding it provided. However, I was very pleased to reclaim my womanhood and fit back into a bra that isn't the size of Texas. And my little hunk, but just can't do it. I cherish my personal space, and I sleep like the aliens have abducted me. I could possibly roll over and...well, let's just say I am not a size 2 anymore and could do some damage.
Anyway, I just thought I would take a moment to find some strong points about my mothering and homemaking skills. So, here they are...
1. I almost always make my husband's lunch. (Except once or twice a week when I forget.)
2. Although I do not co-sleep, I do think about and pray for my baby (before I pass out cold.)
3. Often, I replace the toilet paper roll immediately. (Rather than just sitting the new roll on top of the empty brown cardboard ring.)
4. This one should earn me major mom points: I always, always, always carry my burp cloths to scrub the spit up from my baby, myself, my rug, my hair, his hair, the dogs, and the list goes on.... (thank-you reflux for this gift in my life!)
Well, I feel much better now. Hope you do, too!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Pic of the Week: Bad Hair Day
Friday, March 28, 2008
Duck, Duck, Goose!
I was tagged by Latree.
This is my first time being tagged!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Strange Things @ Me:
#1. I love green veggies (even without butter.)
#2. I like to go to the dentist for cleanings.
#3. I love music from the '80s.
#4. I enjoy the smell of bacon, but I don't eat it.
#5. I hate bugs and rodents of any kind.
#6. On that note, the rat at Chuck E. Cheese even freaks me out!
#7. I am super "frugal" (aka: a cheap!)
Oh, this part is sad...I am new to blogging and only have 5 friends to tag:
pregnantly plump, mip, are you serious?, MarieY , and Amy
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I'm a BAD Mother!
OK, so I was just over visiting Little Elvis. (Pregnantly Plump's blog...check it out, if you haven't already.) Anyway, I was just taking a moment to show my husband Rice, Rice Baby. (Which we laughed our heads off watching.)
So, then we scroll's Little Elvis with the Easter Bunny. Oh, cute... Then, we slowly turn to look at each other. WE TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE EASTER BUNNY! What??? How did this happen?
Now, we gotta rent some bunny gear for my hubby to wear. Sure, it will be a few weeks after the real Easter, but it will look real in the pics.
What horrible parents!!!!
Help, Help, HELP!
Prior to giving birth, I read every book under the sun. I read about childbirth, breastfeeding, sleeping, and discipline. Well, I felt pretty dang good about the situation! When it came time for the little booger to arrive, I was even packed up (by a handy checklist) and ready to go!
That's when the "poo hit the fan." Two weeks prior to my due date, I was: induced due to "concerns", had an 18 hour labor, over 3 hours of pushing, and had to go in for a C-section. Then I hear a nurse say, " room ready...just wait an hour...just put your legs together...sorry the anesthesiologist is busy...he will be here as soon as possible." I should have known it was going to go down hill from there.
Thankfully, my baby was precious and perfect, and I lived. (After recovering from the massive staph infection.) At that point I realized that sometimes knowledge is powerful, and sometimes it is just crap!
So, since this experience, I have started to read novels in my spare time. Sure, I go to a book when I need specific information, and most often I call my brilliant friends and family. But, I have surfed the web, read some books, and called my buds, and I still have a massive problem...
MY KID HATES TO NAP!!!! He sleeps like an angel ALL night in his crib. So precious cute, and then during the day...he turns into a monster. He screams, throw things from his crib, and yells from his crib angry baby babble. (I am certain that he is cursing me in his little, 9 month old head.)
So, I need some advice....please!
Monday, March 24, 2008
So, here it big confessional. I have several that I need to get off my chest.
#1. I love, love, LOVE Wheel of Fortune! Seriously, I am addicted. Every night, I make an effort to put the baby down just before 7:00; just so I don't miss the first "Toss Up Round." I watch it every night along with all the senior citizens of the world. For crying out loud, I am 27 years old. It's a sick thing.
#2. I eat chocolate everyday. That hurt to put on paper.
#3. My family is crazy. Not crazy like the Sopranos, we are more like Days of Our Lives. Funny thing is that I just found this out. (My husband told me.) I guess I never had another frame of reference. I have learned to embrace this lunacy as normal, but it's not. It's hysterical. (Aunt Cat, if you read know who I am talking about...not you!)
#4. I love to eat peanut butter with tomato soup. My husband almost throws up.
#5. I miss Friends. I don't care it's been off the air for years. I love those people. I miss Chandler and Phoebe in my life. Yeah, it's a little '90s, but good people are just good people.
So, I would love to hear your little confessions...let me know!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Voyage to Walmart
Isn't it funny how a little, tiny baby can make a simple trip to Walmart so difficult? I went this morning and I felt like I was packing for a 7 day cruise. Then, getting the buggy ready (with this oh, so helpful buggy cover that takes forever to clip and Velcro in place. But what kind of horrible mother would I be if I didn't use it? :)
Then just shopping. My little prince can now stand in the buggy (even buckled in) as well as reach out and grab other people...and their hair.
So, now what took just a few minutes consumes half of my day! I know someone else out there feels this way, too!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Baby Dracula???
So, my precious, beautiful baby boy has been teething over the past few weeks. (He already has his 2 bottom front teeth.) Well, I figure that he is getting his top one in...nope! It seems that he is getting his incisors (aka vampire teeth) in FIRST!
My alarmed mother has done a local pole and determined that it is not common, but it happens. I am from a small town, and I am sure some think my child is a freak show! (Which in the past might have upset me, but now I find humorous. Motherhood has mellowed me!) In a few weeks, I should be able to post some hysterical pictures! :)
Has anyone else heard of this? It seems so bizarre!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A Twister, A Twister
This past weekend, we had some really bad weather. I spent about an hour huddled in the closet. At the time, I thought it was ridiculous that 2 adults and an 8 month old were all pressed together underneath hanging baby clothing. I thought if the Weather Channel was still reporting on the weather in Vegas....we're OK. Turns out, there was some damage near us, and devastation just a few hours west of us. What a reality check!
So, I am challenging myself to have a better perspective. Instead of complaining about milk prices, gas prices, and the lot....I am going to take a moment to appreciate my safe home, beautiful child, and my wonderful husband. Sappy...yes...but I do have a great deal to be thankful for!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Hello cyber-friends!
Just wanted to shout out to all the SAHM and WAHM out there! (I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at the distinction....the mental image of SAHMs everywhere just taking it easy....HAHAH...what a joke.)
Seriously, mothering is the most challenging (and rewarding) job in the world. So, moms everywhere, take this holiday and enjoy the little luxuries in life. Go ahead, take time to shave your ENTIRE leg in the shower. Then, drink a whole cup of coffee before it turns into a chilly frappuccino. Finally, (this one is difficult) at least once today, go to the restroom all ALONE!
Well, one can dream! Have a great day!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A Very Good Place to Start
My title for my blog is a very literal description of my current situation.
The "shake" represents the vigorous exercise I intend to do each day. As the old saying goes, at least my intentions are good.
The "rattle" represents the 8 month old baby that I have the privilege of staying home with. His struggle with infant reflux keeps me running (and usually covered as well.)
The "read" represents my personal love for reading, and my new adventure as an Educational Consultant for a book company.
Thus, here I am...the Burp Cloth Babe.