Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Help, Help, HELP!

Prior to giving birth, I read every book under the sun. I read about childbirth, breastfeeding, sleeping, and discipline. Well, I felt pretty dang good about the situation! When it came time for the little booger to arrive, I was even packed up (by a handy checklist) and ready to go!

That's when the "poo hit the fan." Two weeks prior to my due date, I was: induced due to "concerns", had an 18 hour labor, over 3 hours of pushing, and had to go in for a C-section. Then I hear a nurse say, " room ready...just wait an hour...just put your legs together...sorry the anesthesiologist is busy...he will be here as soon as possible." I should have known it was going to go down hill from there.

Thankfully, my baby was precious and perfect, and I lived. (After recovering from the massive staph infection.) At that point I realized that sometimes knowledge is powerful, and sometimes it is just crap!

So, since this experience, I have started to read novels in my spare time. Sure, I go to a book when I need specific information, and most often I call my brilliant friends and family. But, I have surfed the web, read some books, and called my buds, and I still have a massive problem...

MY KID HATES TO NAP!!!! He sleeps like an angel ALL night in his crib. So precious cute, and then during the day...he turns into a monster. He screams, throw things from his crib, and yells from his crib angry baby babble. (I am certain that he is cursing me in his little, 9 month old head.)

So, I need some advice....please!


Pregnantly Plump said...

Little Elvis hated naps too. Seriously, the only way I could get him to nap until he was about 8 months was to let him nap on me after a feeding. I felt extremely unproductive and jealous of moms who had so much free time when their kids took 3 hour afternoon naps.
Since then, I've tried to set a nap routine and watch for his signals that he's tired. Some days this works brilliantly. Other days, I let him cry and fuss for an hour and then take him out and try again later.
I know it's hard! Good luck!!

Jeni said...

We have had a series of evolutions in the nap department here. I am still not exactly sure how we managed to get our MR to his present two times a day nap schedule, but I find that consistency is the biggest helper with it all. He goes down for a nap at almost the same time every day with a nice warm bottle. I've gotten pretty good at reading his tired signals, so that helps too. Not to worry though, there are still days where it all goes to crap and the naps go hang. I think it is just an individual process, good luck :)