Monday, March 24, 2008


So, here it big confessional. I have several that I need to get off my chest.

#1. I love, love, LOVE Wheel of Fortune! Seriously, I am addicted. Every night, I make an effort to put the baby down just before 7:00; just so I don't miss the first "Toss Up Round." I watch it every night along with all the senior citizens of the world. For crying out loud, I am 27 years old. It's a sick thing.

#2. I eat chocolate everyday. That hurt to put on paper.

#3. My family is crazy. Not crazy like the Sopranos, we are more like Days of Our Lives. Funny thing is that I just found this out. (My husband told me.) I guess I never had another frame of reference. I have learned to embrace this lunacy as normal, but it's not. It's hysterical. (Aunt Cat, if you read know who I am talking about...not you!)

#4. I love to eat peanut butter with tomato soup. My husband almost throws up.

#5. I miss Friends. I don't care it's been off the air for years. I love those people. I miss Chandler and Phoebe in my life. Yeah, it's a little '90s, but good people are just good people.

So, I would love to hear your little confessions...let me know!


Pregnantly Plump said...

This is a fun post. And if there's chocolate in our house, I will eat it everyday, too.
I guess my big confession can be that I love just about any reality show dealing with dancing, even though I can't dance.

latree said...

I still wonder how people can eat chocolate every day. Or they should wonder why I don't like chocs?
Basically I don't like to eat, that's all...
Great confession and fun to know. You can see mine in my old post on january;