Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Goodbye Fall!

Okay, so I worked through the entire fall, but I just couldn't move on to Christmas

until I posted these pics.... Isn't the Mini Hunk HUGE????!!!!!

So sorry about being the worst blogging buddy in the world; I really do miss everyone. Due to the economy, I am out working a good bit these days. (Speaking of which, if you want to add some books to the stockings, check them out here....dirt cheap stuff. Ships in about 3-5 days. Or if you are in need of extra cash and want to join the team, email me.)

Anyway enough marketing my business, I am getting ready to close up Santa's book shop, and so I will be back very soon! I hope all is well in blogland, and I will post a giveaway in the next few days....So LOOK OUT! :)