Monday, April 7, 2008

My Verbal Boy!

So, it's official. On Sunday, my little hunk said, "Daaaadeee" very clearly. Not just once, but twice while my hubby was holding him. So precious, just melted his dad's heart.

Sure, I was a little upset that his first word wasn't mommy, but it's okay. Really, I mean, I know that I am the one that quit my job to stay home with him, but no biggie. And, I am the one who gets up during the night...sometimes 3 times a night or more. Oh, and I am the one who hog wrestles him into clean clothes around 4 times per day, everyday.

No...I am not resentful. Uh, uhh, of course not! No way! :) All joking aside.. now that I have really thought this through, I think that it's wonderful! Hmmm... maybe he will start calling for his "Daaadeee" at 4 in the morning! Hehehe.


Are You Serious! said...

♥ I always told myself (talking to myself, I know but you get that way with lack of sleep) that they say daddy first because they always have mommy and know that mommy is always there for them! ;)

Pregnantly Plump said...

Yay!!! Little Elvis said Dada first as well. I've been told that it's just easier to form the "da" sound. I get all excited whenever he says a "ma" sound, but Bob said in a few months, I'll probably long for the days when he doesn't yell "mommeee!!"

Lori said...

how sweet:)

i have mulled over my dilemma about posting the TMI story and have decided to tell you just the bones of the story which involves these: 1} a toddler fascinated with turning the temperature dial in the fridge 2} a mommy {no, NOT me!!! one of my ... errrrr ... friends, yeah that's right} who unknowingly ate left~over porkchops gone very bad 3} the public restroom at a certain chain store where a gastrointestinal explosion occurred that rivaled Vesuvius in force and volume ... and oh yes, it also defied gravity 4} subsequent closing of said store ... coincidence? ... i think not ...

Lori said...

if you are not too ashamed to be further associated with know because of my "friend" with her issues and all...i would love to know your name so i can put it next to your link on my blog...if you are not sharing, that's cool too:)

Jeni said...

Our mister calls everything dada (including his dada) but also his toys, the cats, and anything he find exciting. So even though I am still waiting for mama, atleast I will be original :)

The Jackson Files said... funny.

I have to tell ya though...Jackson's dad has never been around and his first word was also DADA. In fact he still doesn't say Mama. It drives me mental.