Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Blogsville Blues

Yesterday, I was out in Blogsville visiting a few new blogs, and I found my self so depressed and inadequate as a mommy. I mean, I really respect all those organized and efficient moms out there, but I just can't do it.

For example, one blog was this lady who bought magnets and blogged about how she was going to redecorate her fridge junk. (You know all the pictures, invites, etc.) While I was deeply engrossed in her magnificent plan, I fridge is a wreck! I never even noticed, but now I see that it is an utter mess! (Now, I notice it everyday!) Who knew?

Then, get this: the blog ended soliciting advice on how to organize inside your fridge! Say what? Don't you go buy the food, heave it into the house, and jam it in the open spots? Is that not how you do it? Apparently, I have not thought this through! I am SO going back to the blog to get some more information about this situation.

Finally, I visited a blog of a mom who breastfeeds, co-sleeps, and other impressive stuff (that I really can't even remember now...her awesomeness was overwhelming!) Now, I did breastfeed for 6 long months, and I am glad for the nutrition and bonding it provided. However, I was very pleased to reclaim my womanhood and fit back into a bra that isn't the size of Texas. And my little hunk, but just can't do it. I cherish my personal space, and I sleep like the aliens have abducted me. I could possibly roll over and...well, let's just say I am not a size 2 anymore and could do some damage.

Anyway, I just thought I would take a moment to find some strong points about my mothering and homemaking skills. So, here they are...

1. I almost always make my husband's lunch. (Except once or twice a week when I forget.)

2. Although I do not co-sleep, I do think about and pray for my baby (before I pass out cold.)

3. Often, I replace the toilet paper roll immediately. (Rather than just sitting the new roll on top of the empty brown cardboard ring.)

4. This one should earn me major mom points: I always, always, always carry my burp cloths to scrub the spit up from my baby, myself, my rug, my hair, his hair, the dogs, and the list goes on.... (thank-you reflux for this gift in my life!)

Well, I feel much better now. Hope you do, too!


Pregnantly Plump said...

I think your list is very impressive! I've been a re-organizing fool as of late, but when it comes to the fridge all bets are off. I did manage to find something in the back yesterday that was half frozen. I made my husband determine what it was, because I wasn't about to sniff it.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ The fridge; yeah I don't even have ANYTHING on my fridge because my kids pull everything off and destroy it, soooo.... organized, OH YEAH totally only cause there's NOTHING on it! :)

The INSIDE of my fridge... SHIFT & SHOVE, SHIFT & SHOVE, SHIFT & SHOVE! Seriously why bother when you know kids are going to reorganize it anyway.

Breastfeeding I was lucky to do it for a month!!! We just never figured it out or I just suck or something because it seriously wasn't working!

CO SLEEPING... What the heck is that? I'm guessing when you sleep with your baby anytime the baby is sleeping. OH YEAH RIGHT!!! I've fallen asleep with baby in bed with me while feeding and it's the worst sleep EVER... I'm like you I'm constantly moving around and when babies in there I always a little bit awake if that makes sense and constantly aware which sucks for a good nights sleep. So co sleeping seriously not my thing plus why start it now just so you can make it harder to get them to sleep in their own bed at a later date. That was the NICEST thing, not having to worry about that. I have some friends that had kids sleeping in their bed for years. NO THANKS, plus when would you have grown up time? :) Oh yeah and I was definately glad to have my body back and not constantly having to take my bra on and off. I felt like I was constantly feeding kids especially the twins that really SUCKED.

Okay there's my rant on your behalf! :) I'm totally feeling you. I quit comparing myself to other's after the first. It just wasn't worth it plus one thing they might be good at aka organizing their fridge I might be better at something else like changing the toilet paper rolls! :)

I've very good at that too. Even though I suck at all those other things. Oh and I don't keep a picked up enough house. And I don't do the dishes EVERY day. For shame I know. :)

LOVE YOUR LIST!!! And you're an awesome mom... Just having to deal with reflux gives you an extra 500 points so you're way above those other women already! :)

Look at that the longest comment ever. Have a great "rest" of the week!!!

Jeni said...

I think we will always fall short when comparing ourselves... fortunately you remembered all the things that you yourself are good at:). And have no fear, there is no organization to my fridge contents (or pantry,closet...)

Lori said...

honey, don't fret...that really IS how you load a fridge...and telling now...i have been known ON OCCASION to have to wipe myself WITH the cardboard roll when i have forgotten to replace the TP...and i confess that i did co~sleep but only because my little darlin' nursed every TWO hours for ONE YEAR and ONE MONTH!!! well, that was probably all my fault...i have trouble with limit setting...anyhoo the co sleeping arrangement worked out best for everyone involved...i never really had to "wake up", just roll over and shove a errrrr "natures playtex" {?} into the waiting mouth...and he was quite happy:)

Melissa Valeriote said...

Sounds like you've been visiting too many blogs of the Stepford Moms. Thanks for the good belly laugh.

The Jackson Files said...

Firstly, your little boy is adorable.

Secondly, advice on how to keep your fridge organise = the most boring blog post EVER.

latree said...

I'm so not an organized mom. I'm a totally messy one!
Does this make feel you better? :)

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

My journey: "Red Hen Studios" to "Tadpole and Teacups" to you... Hello!
You sound like a Real Mom, a Loving Mom, a Good Mom. Blogsville is a funny little town, and you should never visit without a huge reminder: They hang out their prettiest laundry and show their best side, but none of that proves that they make good mommies or even very interesting friends.
I like your list of strong points.
And I used to choose restaurants by the dark corners... knowing that my son would barf on me at some point during the meal, I wanted to be somewhere where I could *discreetly* finish my dinner, covered in funk!
I like your blog.