Wednesday, August 6, 2008

TV Talk

Usually, I do not watch very much TV. On most nights, the Mini Hunk goes to bed around 7:30, and I eat, clean, shower, and crash. However, for the past week, my super helpful hubby has been helping me get stuff done around the house, and then we sit together and watch some meaningless junk on the tube. (Romantic, I know.)

Anyway, I have a few pressing questions from the commercials I viewed last night:

1. Have you noticed the lawyers (on the "call us now to sue somebody" ads) are not fluent readers? What is up with that?

2. How are all the ladies on birth control commercials so super thin????

3. When did herpes become the most fun ever????? Mountain bikes... white water knew?

Anyway, just thought someone out there may have noticed this crapola, too.


Pregnantly Plump said...

I hate those "Viva Viagra" ads. Poor Elvis must be rolling over in his grave! I mean, do they expect me to believe that men really sit in a circle and sing about such things?

Lori said... and miss pregnantly plump are killin me here!!!

latree said...

I also don't watch TV a lot. And yes, commercials freak me out.
Of course I don't understand which commercials you are talking bout, but I can imagine how those lawyers tell us to start a war. so bad.
and those contraception models, ah... they are just models, you might need to asked them if they really used it

Are You Serious! said...

♥ It's so true! I wonder the same things! :)

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

Wait til little one gets old enough to ask you what some of those things mean. I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate around the cialis ads.

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

P.S. Great, great new banner!!