Friday, August 29, 2008

Secret Stories, Vol 2

Alright, this is the ultimate secret story. In fact, this happened over a month ago, and I am just now able to blog about it.

It all happened in my local Rite Aid. (This is a type of bootleg, country CVS or Walgreens that we have in the backwoods of Georgia.) Anyway, I went to develop some new pics of the mini-hunk, and I immediately put him in the buggy. (A buggy is a bootleg, county way of saying shopping cart.)

Well, I looked and looked for a cart with the strap to buckle the Mini-Hunk in. However, all of the straps had been cut out. (Yeah, you think you know where this is going....but it is going to take a turn.) I decide to put the Hunk in the cart, and just keep one hand on him the whole time.

So, I print my pics (with one hand on the kid at all times), and I am constantly entertaining the Hunk. I feel like super mom...I pull books, toys, and snacks out of his bag. It is like a magic hat. I just keep it coming. Sure, he has pulled off his shoes, made a mess of the cart, and is yelling, "hey there" at anyone within 20 yards, but overall, I am feeling pretty successful!

Then, when we go to leave, I realize we have a bit of a problem...the Mini Hunk's leg seems to be stuck in the bars of the buggy. I gently tug on the help. I firmly tug on the leg, the Mini Hunk begins to whimper.

Now...this is where it gets fuzzy. I remember trying to get the leg heartbeat loud in my ears...I yell for someone to get some baby oil...a crowd gathering...muffled comments about how the baby should have been buckled in. Finally, a very oily mom and son leave (both with tears in their eyes.)

What a nightmare! After a call to the doctor, I realized that the Mini-Hunk was OK (he was laughing by the time we got home, and I am almost certain it was AT ME!) Later in the afternoon, this is the dialog my husband had to hear (through blubbering tears):

"How could this have happened? I mean, I totally understand how Brittany Spears feels now (Yeah, since I am so wealthy and famous, I can totally relate-ha!)...what if anyone finds out about this? Can you imagine photos of this on US Weekly? No wonder she is crazy! I am mortified to go back to the store. I am a horrible mother....Gasp...what if they call DFCS on me?etc, etc...sob...etc" (Better dramatics that daytime TV.)

Now, after a few weeks of dealing with my first goof, I can find some humor in the situation. I just think how I sounded like a frantic lunatic yelling for baby oil with the same urgency I would have used if I was going to dismantle a nuclear bomb in the store. Or, how we looked that day leaving the store all greased up like a pig at the state fair. Or, how great it would have been to cold cock the lady that whispered I should have buckled him in....duh! I was in a fragile state...that lady should really kick her filter on high! Protective moms can be CRAZY!

So, next time you feel like the worst mom on over. I know I have got ya beat, but at least I am still laughing!


Are You Serious! said...

♥ That sucks! And I've had tons of carts w/out the straps. I just love it when people judge you and have no clue what's going on! We have Rite Aid too. None of those fun ones like walgreens! :)

Scrap for Joy said...

Every Mom has horror stories to tell about embarrassing moments in public with children. When my kids were 4 & 6, they loved to hide in the racks of the department stores. Being short, they couldn't be seen. So there I would be, trying not to scream at the top of my lungs,calling their names, knowing that they knew where I was but I didn't know where they were. Of course, 29 years ago, child snatching was not the threat it is now. Now, you would immediately scream your head off if your child was out of sight for a moment! Or, my kids would wander away and go right to the customer service desk and report themselves lost, because they knew they'd get a lollipop and my name would be blasted on the loud speaker. I always thought that people would think I was a terrible Mom...I just had 2 practical jokesters for kids. And now that they're 33 and 35, I just can't wait until they have kids and see what their kids think up for them. Heheheheh-we'll see who laughs last!

Pregnantly Plump said...

Aww. Poor things. I did something similar when I was little. My mom took me to see some cartoon at the theatre and I managed to get my ankle wedged into the seat. I'm not sure if we realized in the middle of the movie or at the end, but half the theatre had to help get my foot out of the seat!
I had a similar moment with Little Elvis last winter -- I went off a curb with him in the cart and his car seat flipped over the handles. He was buckled in and just fine, although startled. I cried and cried and had to just sit in the car for a few minutes to gather myself. It took me a few weeks to feel ok at that store again.

Jeni said...

Oh, poor thing, those moments are the worst. At least you can rest assured that we have all been there before (and will likely be there again in the future)

latree said...

you can't think clear in panic...
at least know you know what to do if, it happens again. but hopefully not :D

Maremone said...

Don't feel bad. At least you tried. My daughter head dived out of a Target cart at 9 months old. And Yes the cart had functioning straps...I was just lazy :(

You're not an awful mom :)