Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mini Hunk turns Mini Stalker

Over the past week, the Mini Hunk as had his second real sickness in life. We did the whole drill: doctor, meds, doctor, more meds, fluids....ughhhh! It has been a rough few days. Now, I think he feels better; however, he is still in sick mode. He is still following me around, moaning, pulling on my shorts, etc. When I pick him up, he quickly grins and nuzzles into my neck.

At first, I thought it was kind of cute. Now, (after 2 days of it) not so much. So, today I have been trying to hold his hand (rather than pick him up), and this morning he spent 15 minutes in his pack n play with toys all by his lonesome.

So, here I am stress eating and blogging simultaneously. (I did not go for the Big Mac I wanted, instead, I am having vegetable soup. But is that really a more sensible choice since it's 10 in the morning?)

Anyway, I would love some advice about what to do with my Mini Stalker. I really want to have my happy baby back, but I don't know what to do????


Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

My advice: just wait it out-- when he's a teenager he won't even admit he knows who you are.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Being sick stinks! My only advise is the same as above wait it out... I had my three youngest ones all sick when they were 1, 2 & 2 and it was horrible cause they all wanted mommy and then I realized that I was sick too... It was terrible... I hope he starts feeling better very soon!

Pregnantly Plump said...

Aw. Poor little boy and poor Mommy. Little Elvis has moments like that where I have to carry him around. He gets more needy as he gets more tired.
I wish I had good advice for you, but hopefully as his bug completely vanishes, he will go back to acting like normal.

Lori said...

LOL...sound advice from your aunt i see...she cracks me up...i would pick him up...but do NOT follow my advice...that is how i ended up with a kid who refused to go in a stroller and had to be carried on shopping trips no matter how long they were...i was a huge pushover in those days...i hope mr mini hunk is back to himself soon so you don't have to worry about this:)

Tabatha said...

I wish I had advice for you b/c I could use it myself. My little guy has been stalking me for months now....since he became mobile. Hang in there...they say it's a phase but I'm not buying it.