Saturday, May 24, 2008

Murphy's Law is My Life

Home sweet home! Loved the beach, but glad to be home. As it turns out, my life is a living explanation of Murphy's Law. Let me explain...

We packed antibiotics and steroids for the beach trip. Mini-Hunk's doctor okayed the trip despite his awful cough. Well, all was well until about 2 days in. On day 3, pink eye settled into not one...but both of his eyes.

I felt like the worst mom ever, on a trip with my sick boy. By Friday, (when we were headed home) he looked much better. At a stop for a diaper change, we found huge hives all over my sweet baby. (My husband and I both mumbled words that I can't mention due to my own request for no potty mouth...but you can imagine.) We called the doctor who told us to come on over. So, we did. What's another hour after 5???

Now, we are on the lookout for food or environmental triggers for the hives. (Which should be fun since the Hunk now passes time by eating the stray pieces of dryer lint and licking the air vents.)

On the bright side, the Mini Hunk loved the beach, and I did get some cute pics. (Don't worry...they are from the pre-eye goop part of the trip.)

Isn't he precious?


Are You Serious! said...

♡ He is so sweet!!! Dan cute! Sorry to hear about his being sick though! So not fun!

Lori said...

oh he is much more that precious!!! sorry about the pink eye and hives...that's enough to prompt a little potty mouth...i hope your little darlin' is all recovered now...

Pregnantly Plump said...

What a sweet boy! He is so, so precious! I'm sorry he wasn't feeling well. Pink eye is rough, and you definitely aren't bad parents. Not at all.
I hope you find the cause of the hives. Poor little guy.

Sarah said...

If he was on antibiotics he could be allergic to that. My little girl always gets hives when she takes penicillin type things. The symptoms don't show up until a WEEK after she starts taking the meds. Just a thought.

latree said...
