Monday, June 2, 2008

Good Morning...Good Monday

Yesterday, the Mini-Hunk spent some quality time with his grandparents. (First long visit since mom's surgery.) It was a great break for us! We actually spent the day on the golf course.

It was a wonderful day, but I was on the verge of getting sick. Yuck. So, here I am at 4:30 AM blogging away. I have been coughing my head off since 4:00, and as I courtesy to my hardworking hubby, I decided to get up. (Although our house is really small so I am sure he can hear me in here....but it is the thought that counts, right?)

Rather than focus on my ailments, I thought I would take this time to greet everyone into another Monday and the first week in June.

Can you believe it? This month, I plan to...

1. Finish a sewing project I started in April. (This week.)
2. Exercise daily. (Constant torture/ everyday.)
3. Do thorough grocery shopping every 2 weeks. (This week and 3rd week.)
4. Make or purchase a wonderful birthday gift for my hubby. (Before the 21st.)
5. Go to the doctor. (Today/as soon as possible.)

I know this does not seem like a long list. However, with an 11 month old in tow, the simplest task is much more difficult. Plus, I want to feel successful, so I kept it short.

So, I would love to hear your plans for the month...Happy June Ya'll!


Lori said...

feel better soon and good luck on your to do the top of my list is a swap item that has been promised since is not even started yet...yikes!!!

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

So sorry you're under the weather--hope you're feeling better soon. And please tell me you're not going anywhere near that baseball player's hospital in your town.
Love you~

Are You Serious! said...

♡ That stinks being sick! My list is SOOO long I'm afraid the failure thing is huge for me! However I'm gonna try! :)

The Burp Cloth Babe said...

Cathy, we call it Die Cobb for a worries....:)

The Jackson Files said...

Ha ha. That's a GREAT list and not dissimilar to my own.

Don't forget to us know in July how you get on.

And I hope you're feeling better now.

Maremone said...

Um plans for the month? Never have I dreamed of being that productive since kids :) But since you challenged me, and I have a couple minutes I'll take you up on it.

1. Try Once a month freezer cooking
2, Find the perfect couch set and convince the hubbie to spend our tax refund on it
3. Drink more water and treat myself like the pregnant woman I am
4. Attend more of my mom meetup groups.

Hey, that wasn't so bad :)

Pregnantly Plump said...

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. What are you sewing?
My plans include actually organizing my garage/store, reupholstering a chair and finding some freelance work. Fun, fun.

The Burp Cloth Babe said...

I am actually sewing some new cushions for my outdoor seating. Still have not gotten to it..ugg!