Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunny Daze

Hello Blogsville! Hope everyone had a splendid weekend! I am sitting at home listening to much needed rain on my roof. I can almost hear my baby tomatoes and squash squealing with joy!

Just a quick update: The festival went well this weekend, but it was EXHAUSTING work painting face after face. But the kids were so happy that it was totally worth it! We did pretty well, and my husband came up with this latest idea in the process...

(Note: This is not another one of my crazy came from Dan! While wandering the festival, he saw this lady peddling old, painted windows. I had seen them before, and they are very pretty. Usually, they are very country. (Great to sell in my area (the country), but not my personal taste.)

So, on Sunday, my husband pulled some old windows out of the cellar and told me to get going. The picture below is of the finished product:

I am not sure if it's artsy or just looks like a very talented 2nd grader got a hold of her mom's paints. Either way, we like it, and it now hangs on our front porch. (That was my husband's idea, and apparently used powerful power tools to attach it to the wall since I can't seem to move it.)

Best of all, the Mini-Hunk laughs and points his chubby finger at it every time we go out...that makes it all worthwhile!

Oh, I call it "Sunny Daze"....profound, I know.


Pregnantly Plump said...

I'm glad the festival went well, and I think the painted window looks very pretty and festive!!

Are You Serious! said...

♡ I really like kid art! Such a cute one too! :)

The Jackson Files said...

That's a really great idea.

kari and kijsa said...

It's really pretty!

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

smiles, kari & kijsa

latree said...

that's beautiful! i also have a kiddy painting, and made by me in my age now!