Friday, September 19, 2008

Why, Molars, Why?

To semi-quote the delicious rock-candy John Mayer, "Why, Molars, Why?" (Okay, so the song is "Why, Georgia, Why?" and I slightly modified it, big deal.)

But let's get to the point here....the Mini Hunk is getting MOLARS! Yeah, he has 7 itty, bitty front teeth and is getting gigantic molars in the way back of his mouth! What is this about? YUCK! He is really uncomfortable. So, we went to the park...he stopped screaming... and I got a few fantastic pics.


That John Mayer hasn't got anything on my Mini Hunk! :)


Are You Serious! said...

♥ Molar's are so not fun! I'm so glad my kids had an easy time with the whole teething thing!

Tabatha said...

Super CUTE pictures. When Tegan starts walking we should meet at a park on one weekday...they would have fun together and we would get to speak to another adult during a time we normally wouldn't!

latree said...

i know going out and play will work!

Pregnantly Plump said...

Those are cute pics! He looks very happy in them. I hope his come in quickly. Little Elvis' just sat right under the gum threatening to come out for weeks. Molars aren't fun.

The Jackson Files said...

Even when he's teething he's as cute as a button.

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

He's already an overachiever.

Jeni said...

Awww, what a big boy! Our MR used to have that shirt, until he grew out of it. Used to be one of my favorites. Good luck on the molars, we are still going through than funness around here too.