Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kids are Funny

So, the Mini Hunk has hundreds of amazing toys that light up, dance and sing. However, what does he love????? The spatula. He's so attached I can't get it away...or use it....ever. I watched him play and carry the thing for a while, but I got worried about him gagging himself with the stick end of it. He screamed bloody murder when I took it. Finally, I traded it for a hairbrush. I guess we are on the barter system now...oh boy!


Lori said...

what a dumpling!!!
my sons favorite toy when he was small was a cardboard box...said box required pushing it all about the house with son perched inside laughing his heart wonder i suffer from sciatica!!!

Lori said...

all right...FINE...the sciatica is from gaining 50+ pounds while pregnant with that child...BUT pushing that box around did not help matters in the least...

The Burp Cloth Babe said...

OH, I am certain it was the box! Pregnancy pounds don't count. And if they linger on after the pregnancy you just subtract them to get your real weight. :)

Pregnantly Plump said...

That is so cute! I love his hair! Little Elvis has a roomful of toys, but his favorites aren't toys -- a yellow toothbrush cover, my round hairbrush, an empty aveeno lotion bottle, an empty baby vics container, an oral aspirator we brought home with him from the hospital, etc. Silly boy.

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

He looks just like your brother.
Love to all~

Are You Serious! said...

♡ So cute! My kids always go for the non-toy items too!

The Jackson Files said...

That's A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.

I think it's something that they should tell you in pregnancy books - how kitchen implements make the best toys.

latree said...

I think that's how kids go, play with things not toys.