Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Monday Again!

Good Morning Blogsville! It's Monday again, and I was just thinking what a wonderful weekend it was. I spent some time with the family, the Mini Hunk went to his first birthday party, and we did some yard work.

Oh, and the Hunk officially has 6 teeth and is chewing solid foods. (A vast improvement from the gagging routine he has been doing.) Overall, it was a great weekend.

So, please tell me about your weekend! I would love to know!


Lori said...

Hi Kendra:) six teeth huh? i bet he looks adorable!!! i had a great weekend too, my parents were here and my mom and i went to a flea market and a huge antique mall...and the sun was shining { just a few rain drops here and there}...hooray!!!

latree said...

oh... teeth are coming up. does he bite any thing of yours? :D

Jeni said...

Packing, packing, and more of the same for us. Glad to hear things have improved on the food front:)

The Jackson Files said...

Jackson and I did N.O.T.H.I.N.G except hang and have fun.

Total bliss.

Today, J has the Monday blues and has been pretty damn grumpy ALL DAY.

Not bliss at all.

Tausha said...

Hi-i found your blog and left a comment on the other one-i wasn't sure which one your frequent the most. So go over there and check out what I said.
Come on over to my house and say Hi-and let me know which blog you use so i can come and say hi!