Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Twister, A Twister

This past weekend, we had some really bad weather. I spent about an hour huddled in the closet. At the time, I thought it was ridiculous that 2 adults and an 8 month old were all pressed together underneath hanging baby clothing. I thought if the Weather Channel was still reporting on the weather in Vegas....we're OK. Turns out, there was some damage near us, and devastation just a few hours west of us. What a reality check!

So, I am challenging myself to have a better perspective. Instead of complaining about milk prices, gas prices, and the lot....I am going to take a moment to appreciate my safe home, beautiful child, and my wonderful husband. Sappy...yes...but I do have a great deal to be thankful for!


Dette said...

Ah - sappy, but TOO TRUE! :) I know when I've gotten a kick in the pants to put things into perspective for me...

Hope you guys stay safe and happy!

latree said...

Hi, I saw you link on TT and stope by.
Yes we always need to change our point of view to see things in another perspective, and some times it really makes us feel better.

MarieY said...

That's an awesome way of looking at things differently.